Not too unsuccessful a Sunday

Following a late night at Hereford Military Club (that had a fantastic turnout), managed to turn a late start to the day around.

Coffee#1 is one my favourite little chains, though I’ll take a note not to take Jo with me again- half my Bosco Cheesecake disappeared somewhere. A couple of coffees, a bit of relaxation, and another half a dozen chapters of Eat and Run, Scott Jurek’s biography. I get the impression Jurek is a little taken in by pseudo-science, though clearly not to too great detriment to his tremendous athletic achievements. I’m really taken in, though, but his mental approach to sport- both in terms of training and performance.

Then over to Lydney to the outdoor Bathurst Pool. Though still a little chilly on what was apparently the warmest day of the year, I managed a few of its 38m lengths, and Jo thrashed out over a thousand meters.

Thrashing out a thousand meters at Bathurst

Thrashing out a thousand meters at Bathurst

My turn next to go burn off some of those cheesecake calories, with a little waddle round the Forest before dinner. A good relaxing outing, until around mile 5. Descending from Serridge, a snort and the pounding of hooves disturbed the tranquil. Luckily, these wild boar were at least as scared of me than I was of them.

Slacker at the Yat

Took Leon out to Symonds Yat, to the unpolished New Orleans buttress. Bit busier there than I expected, a large family group having put up half a dozen top ropes on the easier routes. Anyway, the boy climbed well, and overcame the fear of lowering off. Weren’t no turkey testicles there, neither.

My plan is to get Leon up the Longstone Pinnacle this summer, and it looks like he’ll do it.

Leon cruisin' Alabama VDiff

Leon cruisin’ Alabama VDiff

And now I’m off to a reunion at the Military Club in Hereford… haven’t seen a lot of those guys in a long time.


Interesting little website for analysing your Garmin routes. I’ll insert a widget into this site, if I can figure it out!

A beautiful evening for a run, after the rain had turned the trail to mud.

A beautiful evening for a run, after the rain had turned the trail to mud.

A little update- Strava widgets don’t work at present, something they’re working to fix. Still an interesting little site though.


Had a great send off for Jim up at Alderley. BBQ and sleep under the stars (or not, it was overcast) on Saturday night, a great breakfast at the local pub on Sunday, and then a few routes.

A warm heart for the perfect BBQ

A warm heart for the perfect BBQ

A night under the stars  "That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I'll do that again."

A night under the stars “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, I’ll do that again.”
